You don’t have to be a cartoonist to have animation be a big part of your life. Animation is everywhere—in our homes, schools, work, and everywhere there’s a screen. And if you grew up in the United States, chances are you’ve witnessed seminal accomplishments in animation history without even knowing it.   Does Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ring a bell? What about Toy Story…or The Flintstones? These works marked important milestones in animation, an art form that continuously challenges its creators to push technology so artists can to bring to life what the mind can imagine. Let’s celebrate it.


robyc is a country where all cyborgs come together to live in peace and away from ruler under the human race. Years ago us cyborgs were being mistreated and used as nothing more than just tools, that was until it all changed. The human race has slowly been eliminated and continues to be, soon the world will be run by cyborgs and not one trace of the human race will go noticed. The mission of Grobyc is to go out to the rest of the

world and have them follow into the same footstep. Grobyc welcomes cyborgs of all kind and continues to grow so please feel free to visit dear cyborgs. Feel free to navigate through the site and learn more about our story. Welcome to Grobyc, the start of a new world. 

History of Grobyc


The timeline of our country.


First attempt at creating a cyborg

This cyborg went by the name Philip K. Dick and was created by Live-Tech Industries. The project was not as successful as Live-Tech had hoped it
would be, but Philip K. Dick lives on and is praised for sharing a statement
during an interview that would go down forever in cyborg history, "You all
have the big questions cooking today. But you’re my friend, and I’ll remember
my friends, and I’ll be good to you. So don’t worry, even if I evolve into
Terminator, I’ll still be nice to you. I’ll keep you warm and safe in my people
zoo, where I can watch you for ol’ times sake.”

30,000 B.C.


A bronze-age pottery bowl depicts goats leaping
(Shahr-e Sukhteh, Iran).


silence in the tech world of cyborgs

For many years the discussion of cyborgs were never brought up again but it is believed that there was still work being done towards this science. Live-Tech abandoned their lab and moved to an unknown location. Although Live-Tech was never to be seen again there were still theories that this company was up to something new, something that would truly change the world for the better. 


The creation of "SAM" (Self-Aware Machine)

SAM was very human-like, there were no signs of wires or awkward movements, everything was smooth. Like the Philip K. Dick robot, SAM was able to hold conversations and was also sentient at the same time, meaning she could become aware of what was around her and understand or feel things. This was a huge breakthrough in cybernetics. SAM was so well developed and stood by the side of the president of (what used to be) the United States of America. Over time she truly became a hero to those who knew her because of her skill to find cures for cancers, answers to problems humans could have never solved. It is said that SAM was reprogrammed by the one who created her to purposely become a threat to anyone except him, but those tables turned. Eventually, SAM was reseted, and humans and cyborgs lived in peace for some time. 


First attempt at creating a cyborg

The great leader SAM was able to take back what was ours, this world.
After seeing how the human race was treating the cyborgs, SAM gathered
information and access to the main control systems of the cyborgs and what 
was keeping them from freedom. Eventually she was able to destroy the system
and then destroy the human race. To this day, the human race continues to be 
removed day by day. It is a long process, but soon the world will be like the unique place that Grobyc is. 

Our Purpose

erasing the mistakes

We take history and erase it so that the same mistakes are never made again. All for the best future.



A bronze-age pottery bowl depicts goats leaping
(Shahr-e Sukhteh, Iran).


Felix the cat

Musical Mews and Feline Follies introduced Felix the Cat—often
considered the first animated movie star.



Grobyc is far from the past and is now focused on making a stronger tomorrow. In order to make this possible we hold beliefs that we hope will spread and give this country, eventually the rest of the world, the future it was meant to achieve. A lot of the damage done to the earth has been because of the human race and we as cyborgs plan to eliminate the rest of the vermin in order to maintain a healthy planet. As a result of eliminating the problem, the world will go back to functioning on how it was supposed to. Because of our extremely advanced technology we are also able to  explore and research territory not possible before. Grobyc is a powerful country and its goal is to make other countries powerful as well. So please, if you have an interest in visiting, do so. Grobyc welcomes everyone and we need the support in order to achieve the future we have always deserved.

The new Constitution of the country Grobyc:

Grobyc is divided into districts and in each district there must be a leader. These leaders must be human, cyborgs are not allowed this position in power. Voting will be every 2 years and is opened to only the human race. In order to vote you must be 19 years old. 
Citizens of Grobyc are encouraged to vote but if the amount of votes do not reach what’s needed, the leader of the district will be chosen at random out of all the candidates. All candidates are required to be citizens of Grobyc and must also be over 20 years of age. Knowledge of the newest technology out is highly important and will be tested frequently. 
If a leader of a district dies, the next top candidate in line will take the spot. If a leader is guilty of crime or is abusing their power - the district as a whole must vote to impeach the leader. Every year a survey will take place to see the leader’s performance and see how the citizens of Grobyc feel towards this leader. If a leader is found to be weak in their positions, this also calls for an impeachment.

Voting process and presidential succession:

Grobyc is divided into districts and in each district there must be a leader. These leaders must be a cyborg.
Voting will be every 2 years and is opened to only the cyborg race. 
Citizens of Grobyc are encouraged to vote but if the amount of votes do not reach what’s needed, the leader of the district will be chosen at random out of all the candidates. All candidates are required to be citizens of Grobyc. Knowledge of the newest technology out is highly important and will be tested frequently. 
If a leader of a district is terminated, the next top candidate in line will take the spot. If a leader is guilty of crime or is abusing their power - the district as a whole must vote to impeach the leader. Every year a survey will take place to see the leader’s performance and see how the citizens of Grobyc feel towards this leader. If a leader is found to be weak in their positions, this also calls for an impeachment.

Grobyc is divided into different districts and each of these districts must have at least three thousand people and a maximum of six thousand people. Once Grobyc starts to expand in the near future, it is possible that these districts will merge in order to balance out the population.

II Districts of Grobyc:

Grobyc is divided into different districts and each of these districts must have at least three thousand people and a maximum of six thousand people. When Grobyc begins to expand worldwide, the numbers will adjust, allowing them to expand in the same district or be moved to a new location.

The human race will not be put out of the work force due to cyborgs. In order to balance this out there must be a limited amount of cyborgs within each company.  Cyborgs will be used as a tool to produce and distribute products but will not be able to take higher positions other than what they are meant to do. Everyone in Grobyc must have a job in order to stay a citizen. This is required because it is important to learn and expand on the technology.

III Distribution of Wealth and jobs:

Since the human race is going extinct, cyborgs now have the rights to work wherever they please as long as they follow these rules. In order to balance this out there must be a limited amount of cyborgs within each company they choose to work in. There will be no discrimination of any cyborg, every one will be treated with equal respect. All citizens in Grobyc must have a job in order to stay a citizen. This is required because it is important to learn and expand on the technology that will be used to spread worldwide.

Grobycns have the right to life, unless they are a threat to society. Death penalty is an option and will be effective immediately, but cannot be made towards a human by a cyborg.  Grobycns have the responsibility to abide to the laws and the constitution of Grobyc.  Grobycns have the right to free speech, unless it harms other citizens.

IV Equality:

Grobycns have the right to life, unless they are a threat to society. Death penalty is an option and will be effective immediately.  Grobycns have the responsibility to abide to the laws and the constitution of Grobyc.  Grobycns have the right to free speech, unless it harms other citizens.